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Friday, November 18, 2011

Lots of Progress

I have been so busy with things around here that I have totally neglected the blog. This is a post that should have been posted two weeks ago, but better late than never, right?

His speech has just taken off. Now most of his talking is in 3-4 word sentences! Last week I got my first real "I wuv U mama". Oh how it just melts my heart to hear him say it!!! However, our biggest problem is that he continues to drop the ends of words off. For example he calls yogurt "yo" and purple "pur", which also is conveniently his word for pour. The maddening thing is that sometimes he actually slows down enough and we actually hear the whole word, but this is a very rare occasion. The speech therapist (which we are changing next week) says that this is completely normal. She tried to explain that the first goal for Preston is to be able to communicate with us. Since he can basically do that and he is always going at full speed ahead, he probably isn't interested in his articulation. But, she assures me that will come with time. So for now we are loving his new speech. I have to get the video camera out to capture these precious "words" before he becomes a sassy little child.

She is also making progress with her reading and writing. Although I can't really say that she is "reading" at this point, she is doing pretty well at sounding out words . . . but only when she wants to. She is also improving with her writing, both in neatness and in writing more words on her own. I love sorting through her classwork and trying to decipher her words, it cracks me up! I'm afraid she is going to be much like me with preferring math over reading. She loves to do adding problems at the dinner table and always complains when I make her sound out words for her homework.

We had her conference a couple of weeks ago and received her report card last week too. Of course, she is the model child at school according to her teacher. She received all 3s on her report card and even a 3+ on following school rules.

Savannah and Preston have both come so far even since August. We still have a way to go, but it's neat to be able to see progress from day to day with each of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

savor every minute cause the grow up so quick! it won't be long they will be wanting there own cell phone/ipod or the newest e-stuff so they can tweet! lol can't wait to see you all Thanksgiving! dad/deb