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Sunday, August 07, 2011

A Reunion in the Mountains

Yesterday we drove to Boone for a Mt. Vernon church reunion. This is the church that I attended while in college and the place where I learned a lot about having a relationship with the Lord. The friends I made in the college class at Mt. Vernon are truly friends for life! It was such a neat day to celebrate with so many other students who passed through the Critchers college class and to see how we have truly been fruitful and multiplied! Here are a few pictures all from our park picnic before the big reunion. I decided to take limited pictures and just enjoy time with my sweet friends!

Our family

The 5 Mt. Vernon Girls

and their 8 children!!!

Our entire "little" group that attended from the class of 2000

There's only one thing better than a perfect summer afternoon in the cool mountains of Boone and that's sharing the afternoon with such special friends!


Anonymous said...

what a great idea! hope you all can continue this each year- such a good way for the kids to make life long friends

Anonymous said...

Love the post. Nice to see those faces together again! Miss you!

Donna said...

Chrystal, I had no idea you went to Mt. Vernon! That is roys parents church! We were just there at VBS last month. Funny!