Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

3 Life Lessons at 1am

Dave and I have had a crazy week. With month end, 11 mystery shops, swim lessons, and errands galore we were so excited about a long night of sleep followed by a date night without kids on Saturday. Then it happens, a loud bang on our bedroom door at 1am Saturday. I open the door to find Savannah holding her hands over her mouth and before I could even move her, a flood of throw up gushed onto our carpet! I'll spare the details, but lets just say that the entire cup of purple grape juice Preston spilled on our stairs Saturday at lunch cleaned out of the carpet better than her early morning surprise.

Lesson #1 Just when you're all geared up for a nice, relaxing weekend and a good nights sleep, things are bound to go crazy when you have kids!

I thought it was odd that Friday morning Savannah didn't want breakfast and was complaining about a sore throat and tummy ache, but after our morning run she seemed fine. She preceded to spend 2 1/2 hours at the pool, have dinner at Chick fil A, and play super hard with her friend Anna Kate - never once complaining about anything. So our Saturday morning episode was quite a shock!

Lesson #2 If Savannah doesn't eat a meal, then she is most definitely SICK!

So we spent Saturday at home, pretty low key. However, Savannah was running around like crazy, eating & drinking fine, and ready to get out of the house. So we went out for dinner. She ate a lot and seemed perfectly fine . . . until 1am this morning when the banging came again. Thankfully, this time she had already thrown up in the potty and was coming to get us for clean up duty.

Lesson #3 Just because a kid seems fine all day, that doesn't mean that they are well. With children you have to expect the unexpected.

I'm praying we're over this bug and can get a good nights sleep tonight . . . and that no one else catches whatever Savannah has!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope savannah is feeling better by now! not much worse than a sick child- lucky for ya'll she learned to run for the potty.
love ya'll dad/deb