Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Often times I wonder if my children will end up more like me, very type A, or more like Dave, very laid back. Sometimes I wonder if they'll be kids that love music, art, or maybe they'll enjoy sports. Right now only God knows what is in store for their precious little lives, but in the mean time I have to say that although Savannah may look like me and Preston may act like me, they both are already much more creative than I have ever been!

Take for instance this past Thursday. It was after dinner and I was frantically trying to get the dishes done while Dave was out mowing the yard. I sent the kids upstairs to get ready to take their baths. Now granted it was taking me awhile to wash the dishes, but they weren't alone forever. Suddenly I hear a crash upstairs. I yell up and ask if everything is okay and Savannah assured me it was fine. Then, just a few minutes later, I hear a huge crash, then silence, then sobbing. I ran upstairs to find Savannah sitting on a wet bathroom floor with a bloody lip! Trying to process everything I asked her what happened. Between the screaming and crying she said that she slipped on the floor.

I finally got her calmed down and left the bathroom to pick up the toys in the workout room and found this soaking wet pillow pet crammed behind the treadmill. I went back to the bathroom and asked Savannah to explain why the lamb was soaking wet and hidden on the treadmill. It was then that I figured out exactly what happened. She said "we were playing slip and slide with the pillow, mommy". Apparently she and Preston were using the bath drum set to pour water on the pillow pet and then trying to slip and slide on the bathroom floor!! The first crash, she explained, was Preston falling, but the second time she slipped on the wet floor and hit her lip on the toy basket. Apparently she wasn't in too much pain because she was able to run and hide the evidence before going back to the bathroom to start sobbing. Gotta love the creativity of a 5 year old that turns a pillow pet into a slip and slide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now that sounds like fun to me!! if i had a really big pillow pet i might try that myself lol
glad they weren't really hurt and you're right that's 2 creative kids! papaw/deb