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Monday, May 02, 2011

PLEASE help me!!!!

Okay, I think this is the most frustrating thing I've EVER experienced . . . please comment with any advice or suggestions to the following dilemma.

As of last week, bedtime for Preston is a nightmare. For days on end now he has started screaming until he's almost hyperventilating and all because his lovey is on the floor. BUT he THROWS IT ON THE FLOOR as soon as we walk out of the room. I can watch him through the crack in the door and as soon as he can't see me, he shoves it through the slats in the crib! Why is he doing this??? For 2 1/2 hours now I've listened to screaming, gone up and put the lovey back in, and tried to dry his soaking wet head (from the sweat after screaming for hours on end). I'm about to lose it!!! If I don't put the lovey back in then he will likely be up until midnight and if he does wake up in the middle of the night then he'll start screaming again, which will wake us all up, again. If I do keep putting it back in then I'm just playing his game. HELP!!!!!!!!! I've tried switching the lovey, which by the way works perfectly fine all day and at nap time, and this too is not the problem.


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Ugh, I know that must be so frustrating! I don't even know what to tell you to try. Maybe there is some kind of way you can attach his lovey to his crib so he can't throw it all the way out?

Anonymous said...

maybe you could try changing his bedtime to 1 hr later? sorry you/dave/savannah are having to deal with that but he is a BOY lol. if you go back and read your blogs when savannah was this age it makes all that seem like a piece of cake right? praying you find an answer and it doesn't last long. dad/deb

Donna said...

Chrystal, I know this has to be soooo frustrating!! I think you're doing the right thing by just waiting it out, though. Do you have a sound machine? Plug it in the hallway and turn it up really loud so it will at least drown out the sound of the screaming. I bet a few days of him playing this game will stop it! Sorry!!!