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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Proud Mommy Moment

Today we were in the checkout line at Harris Teeter and the following converstaion took place between the bagger and Savannah:

B: So what grade are you in?
S: I'm in preschool
B: Well what are you learning in preschool?
S: (after thinking a bit and me wondering what in the world she's going to say) about Jesus
B: Oh yeah? What else?
S: About how He died on the cross and how Easter is so special!

If I ever doubt (and I don't, but if I ever did) that much is being learned through WEE school and our church's awesome Sunday school program, I hope I'll remember this precious conversation and how openly Savannah shared her love for Jesus.


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Yes, definitely a "proud Mommy" moment. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

such a sweet girl! we are so blessed to have her in our family and i thank God everyday for the great parents He gave her! children learn by example and i have no doubt savannah and preston will growup to be great parents themselves. love ya'll