Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Last week we experienced three random acts of kindness, 2 from complete strangers!

The first act was from my aunt who stopped by to pick up some items on her way to FL. As a treat for the kids, she left a beautiful strawberry plant, a Princess watering can, and a superhero shovel for Preston. They were SO excited to get an unexpected gift and today was even more exciting when we were able to pick our first strawberry! Yumm-o!

Then, on Monday we were rushing to dance class and I tried to make time to stop and do my CVS run before ballet. Bubbles were free with ECBs, but the limit was 1. I decided that since the kids were with me it couldn't be an Easter basket item after all, and that we would get a blue bottle because now bubbles or "bubbbb" are one of Preston's favorite things. At the checkout an elderly lady in front of me who saw me shopping for the bubbles earlier purchased a bright pink container of bubbles and turned around and gave them to us! I didn't realize what she was doing but she before leaving she asked the cashier for a separate bag and a rubber band which she secured around the top to make sure it didn't spill. It was just precious how she gave it to Savannah, whose face just lit up. Sweet, sweet lady!!

Finally, Friday rolled around. Let me just say it was a Fat Friday for me. I ate horribly last week and was up a whopping 5 pounds from my lowest point! Never the less, I drug myself out to run before Dave went to work. I was running in an adjoining neighborhood when I noticed a car going super slow beside of me with the window rolled down. I took my headphones off and the lady stopped me to say "I've seen you running for weeks now and wanted to let you know that I've noticed a huge difference. Your hard work and persistence is really paying off." Really?? It was super sweet of her to stop on her way to work and give me such a nice compliment, especially when I was feeling so down.

Lord, help me to show kindness to others this week, those that we know and those that are strangers. Help me to be a better example of You through my actions and words this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had some great blessings passed on to you all! i love it when the unexpected nice things happen!! dad/deb