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Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekend Recap

On Saturday our Sunday school class had an 80s murder mystery party. It was a lot of fun and I definitely enjoyed seeing everyone's costume! I only took a couple group shots, but here is one of them.

Sunday was a busy day with trying to get all of my consignment stuff tagged and loaded into the car. I am almost finished and will hopefully wrap everything up today as the drop off is tomorrow. This is one of the most exciting weeks of the entire year with selling and shopping the big sale!! Oh, I just love a good deal!!!

Today we are still working on adjusting to the time change. Both kids slept past 8am this morning but when they got up they were rearing to go! Preston insisted on bringing his new favorite friend "woof woof" to the breakfast table today.

I was trying to cut up strawberries and looked over to find him trying to feed his woof woof! He is seriously obsessed with dogs right now. Maybe because it's the only tangible object he can verbalize and point out to us; I don't know, but I do know that it's hilarious. If he sees a dog he'll throw out his pacifier to say "woof woof" and if Ms. Marlene's dog is out, the boy goes crazy wanting to play with him.

Loving his woof woof!


April said...

Love Murder Mystery parties! How fun!

Anonymous said...

OOOHH! do i see a puppy in preston's future?? all boys need a dog ya know!! lol
seems the murder mystery party was a success- glad you/dave had some time with your adult friends!
have fun at the consignment sale-looking forward to seeing what deals you come up with!

Anonymous said...

Preston is seriously adorable.