Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Super Saturday

Anna Kate, Savannah, and Jack

Yesterday was an AWESOME day!! To start the day, everyone slept (okay, stayed in their room) until at least 8am! Savannah was up a bit earlier, but when I told her that everyone else was still asleep she agreed to stay in her room and play until we "woke up". It was fabulous and much needed too!

Then we ran some errands and even took a run together as a family. The weather was perfect for breaking out the jogging stroller so we all went for a quick run to test out the new sidewalks on the main road.

After we got home and had a quick lunch, it was off to see "If you take a mouse to school", an Imaginon play. Savannah went along with 2 of her best friends, Anna Kate and Jack. It was a riot all piling in Miss Elizabeth's van (3 kids and 3 mamas) to head uptown. Although I was a bit disappointed with the play, the kids loved it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a cute picture!! love jack's smile - what a ham lol
glad you all had a nice relaxing day being a family! that's what life is all about