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Monday, February 28, 2011

Preston Today

I have to say that Preston amazes me every day, sometimes for the good and sometimes not. Today after I got him up from his nap Savannah was still sleeping so I decided to fold some laundry. I just let him wander while I was working . . . and next thing I know he ventured into the bathroom and got a wipe, a very normal activity for him. However, the next part amazed me. I looked over and he was literally cleaning my window seals!! Never once did I mention that they were dirty, but I guess that after looking out and feeling the breeze all morning (it's a beautiful day here) he decided that 1) they needed cleaning and 2) he'd take it upon himself to clean them! HA! He then held up the nasty wipe and said "shew, shew".

I had to share this photo too. Earlier today we were on the track at the Y while Savannah had dance. He was running after a friend and completely busted on the track. When I picked him up he had dirt in his mouth and a nasty runny, bleeding nose along with a boo boo on his forehead. Poor guy!! So after we got home and I attempted to clean him up I asked him to show me his boo boo; this is the face I got. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe i need to keep preston with us for a few days! he could clean several things here lol
sorry about that boo-boo! he's looks very serious about it too
what a sweet face
hope you feel better soon preston