Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Snowy Sunday

We arrived home in Charlotte on Christmas day, after leaving tons of snow in Burlington, to find NOTHING on the ground here! ;( Savannah kept talking about playing in the snow with daddy so I told her she needed to pray hard for Jesus to send snow! Thankfully we awoke Sunday morning to find everything covered in about 4 inches of snow. It was beautiful to say the least. After breakfast and playing with a few new toys we all bundled up and headed out to play . . .

Daddy was a big kid throwing snow balls at mommy

Savannah loved playing and making snow angels

But this kid wasn't big on the snow. Maybe it was because he had a hard time walking in really deep snow or maybe it was the mittens without fingers, but he was quickly ready to go inside!

What a perfect way to end the Christmas weekend!! Now we just have to find places for all of these new toys before Grammy and Papa arrive on Friday for Christmas round 3. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

preston looks like that kid on the Christmas story --- the one that has on the snow suit and falls over and can't get up--remember?
that is so funny
it looks like you all had a good time and i'm glad savannah's prayers were answered.