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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WEE School Feast

Our little pilgrim with her special feather necklace

Savannah has been so excited about the festivities for Thanksgiving this year. From the family night performance at school, to making cookie turkeys, and of course knowing that she would be able to see all of her cousins . . . she has talked and talked about how much fun it is going to be. She has also been talking non-stop about the "feast" that we were going to have at school. I signed up to bring Dave's famous macaroni and cheese and it was definitely a hit as there were only crumbs left! ;) So today was the big day. Daddy even came from work for the feast since "daddy doesn't have anything to do during lunch, right mommy?". I won't lie, it was complete chaos with 19 children (several who were under 2), 18 parents, and 2 teachers but fun was had by all.

At the beginning her teacher let each child walk in and stand in front of everyone to say what they were thankful for. Savannah said she was thankful for "pink flowers", but she had written that she was thankful for "baby brother" on her feather hat. Let the fun (and travels) begin!

Wishing all of our friends and family a very Happy Thanksgiving!


Donna said...

So cute! She looks so proud:) I love that she's thankful for pink flowers!! Happy Thanksgiving to you. Be safe traveling!

Anonymous said...

savannnah looks so proud and we are certainly proud of her! looks like everyone had a great time---
I'm sure preston had a blast with all those kids to run after lol