Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Preston's Progress

  • Well, it's safe to say that Preston has officially been walking for a week now! It's sort of a wobble, but it's so darn cute and just makes me laugh to see him wobbling around the house.
  • He loves to dance. I mean this kid hears music and immediately starts bobbing his head.
  • He has also figured out how to get out of a shopping cart. Today he fell head first out of the cart at Harris Teeter (while I was watching the coupons super double) and was caught about an inch before hitting the concrete by an amazing mommy behind me in line. When I got around the corner she was holding his shirt with his feet up and head down!! Thank you God for sending an angel today!
  • Preston can down some milk for sure. He goes through about a gallon and a half a week! This may be the reason he refuses to eat vegetables, pasta, and meat . . . he gets his fill on milk.
  • We're down to one nap. This is one area I figured out quickly after having Savannah and fighting it forever. After only taking one nap Monday and Tuesday, I kept him up all morning Wednesday and Thursday and he took a great afternoon nap both days. Although I'm sad to lose that morning nap, I'm counting my lucky stars that I can get both kids down for a nap every afternoon so that I can tutor!
  • I'm not sure exactly how much he weighs, but I know he is one growing boy. That jogger is getting harder and harder to push with 2 kids in it. We go for his 15 month check up next week so I guess I'll know more stats then.

Boys are definitely different creatures that girls. Whew! This one is keeping me busy for sure. However, I couldn't be more thankful that God blessed us with one of each . . . now we can experience it all.


Anonymous said...

God has certainly blessed you and dave with 2 sweet and healthy children and we are thankful for that everyday. try to get the "preston dance" on video - i need a good laugh!
ya'll might need to buy a cow if preston keeps chuggin' that much milk lol- but i believe you are right about filling up on the milk and no room for any variety too funny. enjoy the afternoon naps now- savannah will be aging out next year and preston will be right behind her - :) hope to see you all soon dad/deb

Donna said...

He is the cutest little guy! I love how he's always so happy and smiley:) I want to see him dance next time I'm around. Oh, and I cannot believe that about him falling out of the cart at HT! HOW SCARY!!!