Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mr. Independent

Since Preston still hasn't started talking things have become quite frustrating for us both lately. For example tonight at dinner he kept pointing to the yogurt but every time I tried to feed him he started this frantically shaking his head "NO"! It was hilarious to watch, but at the same time frustrating because I couldn't figure out what the heck he wanted. Finally I realized he wanted to feed himself. Our house is already a disaster and it was bath night so I agreed and gave him the yogurt and spoon. He surely enjoyed trying to feed himself and ending up dumping the entire container out (trying to just drink it, I think). Boy was there a big mess, but what boy comes without a mess?!
He has also started to try to do exactly what his big sister does. From climbing the stairs standing upright to playing with what she's playing with, he is very into doing things the big boy way. Off to clean up the white out he dumped on the hardwood . . .

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Indeed, what is a boy without a mess? Charlie still turns his spoon upside down on the way to his mouth. I have to undress him whenever he feeds himself yogurt or applesauce.