Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Our Big News . . . Finally

Well, after about 7 weeks, we are finally excited to announce that Dave will be starting a new job on September 13! I know some of you don't think that is huge news, but we are pretty excited around here. It has been neat to see God at work throughout this process so I'll share briefly . . .

First of all, this job had been posted for probably over a month and the application process had been closed when Dave got a call from a former co-worker who told him that he needed to send in his resume. When he found out that it was with the company he has dreamed of working with for years, he immediately sent in his resume thinking we really had nothing to lose. The very next day he got a call to come in for an interview (the first of SIX that he had). It was at this interview that he found out over 250 people had applied and they had already narrowed the candidates down to 12. He would be lucky #13. :) Over the course of the next 5 weeks he went in for interview after interview and we just kept praying that if this is where God wanted Dave He would open up the right doors. When the general manager's assistant called our house to ask Dave to come in for interview #6 I just laughed in her face. oops. Anyway, it was at that interview that the GM offered Dave the job. He basically said it came down to Dave and one other guy and he couldn't' decide . . . so he went on information from two people who currently worked at the dealership and had worked with Dave before. I think that speaks volumes of my hubby that a former employee and co- manager spoke so highly of him.

So, we are pretty excited! Nothing was official until we returned from vacation and he met with the corporate people to discuss salary and benefits (since he never saw the posting we had no idea what the salary was), but as of yesterday he submitted his resignation and has 2 weeks left to work at Sonic. Then it's on to City Chevrolet to officially be an employee of Hendrick Automotive!! What a blessing it will be to work for a Christian man in a dealership that is profitable and with a great staff too. Now if I can just stop panicking over changing insurance and the minor stuff . . .


Sherri said...

Congratulations to Dave and your sweet family! What an awesome opportunity - great to see how God worked this out for you all. Congratulations again!

Anonymous said...

congrats to dave! i knew he would get the job 'cause God led him in the direction according to His plan.
i'm excited for you all as this will open lots of opportunities and challenges in the future. way to go dave--knock their socks off! lol

April said...

Congrats! Your photos are prec!

laurie said...

How exciting! Way to go Dave!! I know the transition will be smooth and yes Chrystal- all those little details always seem to work out! So don't STRESS! lol

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

YAY! Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys! What an answer to prayer!

Donna said...

WOOHOOO! I figured that was your news you were talking about and I forgot to ask you the other day. I know this is such exciting news for your family and I am so happy for you!! GO TIGER DAVE!!!

Jessica said...

I'm so excited for you all! Congratulations! What an awesome answer to prayer!

Nancy said...

Wonderful news! God is so good!

Brandy said...

That's wonderful Chrystal!