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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stolen Fries

Yesterday I had a mystery shop at Lone Star so we met Dave at the restaurant for dinner. As usual, I brought Preston's baby food because the kid simply will not eat table food other than crackers or cheerios. After our entrees were delivered, the funniest thing happened. Dave and I were talking and the next thing we knew Preston just reached over and grabbed a fry off of Dave's plate! He started sucking it and then actually chewed off a piece or two . . . and then reached for another one! It's almost like he's been planning it for awhile he did it so quickly. I can see his little mind at work, "I don't want that nasty sweet potato, give me those fries!"

1 comment:

Donna said...

What a sweet boy!! Chrystal, I see you in his eyes in that picture!

Oh, and mystery shopping at Lone Star? Please share the details. I thought mystery shops were over?