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Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Last week was super difficult for me, especially Wednesday through Friday. I spent so much time selecting and mailing gifts and cards all the while feeling like I was forgetting something . . . mom's gifts and cards. Anyway, after talking to some close friends and soliciting lots of prayers, the weekend was much better! I can't really explain it, but sometimes I can just feel the prayers I know are being said and it gives me an unbelievable peace.

On Saturday afternoon, these beautiful flowers arrived from my precious Bible study friends. Along with the flowers were individual letters from 8 girls with words of encouragement, scripture, and memories. This definitely made me day!! :) Knowing that my friends cared enough to not only remember the pain, but to send flowers and letters really made me feel loved. I know mom was relieved that I didn't make this journey alone. Thanks girls!!!

Sunday Dave surprised me with an amazing gift of a massage, foot scrub, and facial . . . I can hardly wait to be pampered for a few hours!!! Savannah was so excited to give me my card with a sticker in it and to show me how she wrote MOM all by herself on the envelope. Priceless. We made it to the 8:15 service and then headed straight to Greenville for our niece's baptism. It was nice to be surrounded by lots of family for the afternoon. After the church service (which Preston made it through in my lap!) we had a delicious lunch buffet at the Hilton. They must have know that we were a rowdy bunch with 6 kids so we had our own private room! What a special day. Here are a few pictures from our day.

Grammy and Papa with the kids

Our Family

The Weningers

So, I did it. I made it through the first Mother's Day without my mom here to hug. Somehow I know she still feels the love in Heaven . . . I love you Mom!!!


Chelle said...

I'm so glad things went better than expected. You have clung to God in a major way through this past year and I know He will honor you for that. Love, Chelle

Jean Yount said...

Hey Chrystal! We are so happy to hear that you had a such a great Mother's Day. Brad and I definately had you in our thoughts and prayers...hopefully you could feel the love. Kiss those beautiful babies for us!!

Love you,
Jean, Brad, Alex and Bradley

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Oh, I'm so glad that you felt special on Mother's Day. You deserve it. Praying for you.

Aunt Cherry said...

I am so glad you have such a wonderful network of friends. God bless them and you. You are a great Mom and Christy is smiling down on you each and every day.