Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Please Hurry Weekend!!

This has been a week and a half. It started this past weekend with our attic stairs breaking (and cutting Dave's head) and now the washing machine is broken. The repair man had to order the part so it won't be fixed for at least another 4-5 business days . . . I already was behind with laundry and now I'm going over a week without doing any?? This is crazy! Let's just say our clothing selections are going to be very interesting until it's fixed. As a side note, this is yet another disadvantage of not having family in town.

We've also dealt with a ton of runny noses this week. Savannah's has been controllable and nothing serious, but poor Preston is just miserable. He not only has eczema, is teething, and has an awful cold, but he was diagnosed with croup this week too. He's been on steroids for 2 days and honestly they don't seem to be doing a thing. If he's not better by tomorrow I'm taking him back to the doctor!

The house is a disaster, not to mention dirty, and I am just ready for Dave to be home!!!! Please hurry and come 6:00 . . .


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

oh I just cringed reading this. When it rains, it pours! You are more than welcome to come over to our house and do some laundry! I hope everybody feels better soon over there too!

Donna said...

CHrystal!! Why haven't you called to come use my machine?! Seriously, come on over and bring your bags of dirty laundry:) I could care less.

I am so sorry you've had a bad week. Christy is right...when it rains it pours. Sorry about the croup. That is so scary when it happens.

Anonymous said...

praying you will have a better week to come! hope preston and savannah are better quick so you can get some rest and back on schedule. did you get the attic stairs fixed, you are right-living closer to family does have some benefits--lol
hope you have a very uneventful week
love ya'll dad/deb