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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Joy and a Prayer Request

Today my heart has been just plain filled with JOY! It's been a looooong time since I could say that, but honestly today I was able to let some of the mess go and just enjoy my kiddos. Now we still had a few errands to run and of course there were the usual meltdowns from not getting to watch TV all day (Savannah) and having to take a nap (Preston), but overall it was a great day. I just couldn't get enough hugs and kisses from those two and savored each minute I held the little one today. Oh what a gift they really are!

Now onto the prayer request . . . my friend Donna's husband works for Billy Graham Association and travels A LOT! I think he was making yet another trip to hand out shoe boxes to the children this week and became really sick. He has been in the hospital for a few days having tests run and they aren't releasing him to fly home because some numbers associated with his gallbladder are elevated. If the numbers are not down by tomorrow, he will have to have surgery there and possibly spend the holidays in Poland. Donna is set to fly there tomorrow morning if indeed they will have to do surgery on her husband. Please pray that his numbers are down and he can safely fly home instead of having surgery there! Donna has been a true woman of faith this week truly leaving things in the Lords hands, but please pray for her too!

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