Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Getting Ready for the Little One . . .

Savannah and I spent lots of time this past week wrapping up a few things in preparation for our new little baby. Miss Kristin offered to keep Savannah one day and I got a ton of errands done that morning, but otherwise, I've had my little helper along for the journey. We've made progress, but boy is there still a lot on the list for this week!!

Dave is doing better and even ran in a 10k race this morning. The man who owned the dog that bit him has been super nice. He delivered the check for our medical expenses right away and even brought us a gift card for dinner. Not that it makes it okay, but it sure helps us not be quite as angry.

On Friday we went to see Dr. Baker for Savannah's 3 year check up. It still amazes me that she is going to be THREE on Monday. Anyway, he said she has thinned out some and is no longer considered overweight. Whew! She is still 97+ percentile for height (40.5 inches) and weight (43.2 pounds) but she is fine according to the doctor. I was shocked that they checked her blood pressure and eyes as well, but she didn't seem to mind. Actually, since she didn't need shots, the only thing she really minded was having to wear the "paper dress". When I asked the doctor about the food issues we are still having, he turned to Savannah and just told her that she needed to start trying new foods. I about fell out in the floor tonight when she didn't even complain about the chicken pot pie that I made. She picked her fork right up and started eating it! UNBELIEVABLE! Why didn't we go see Dr. Baker earlier?!?

Today we journeyed to Burlington to visit my mom. Since she didn't get to see Savannah at the birthday party and since it had been awhile since Savannah had visited with her, we decided that we better go now before the baby comes. Mom seems to be doing super and was SO excited to visit with Savannah. Of course while we were in Burlington we had to stop by the park for a couple of quick rides. I didn't know that they only took cash so unfortunately Savannah only rode 2 things . . . but since it was so stinkin hot I was sort of glad!

We arrived home completely exhausted but Dave still mowed the yard while I cooked dinner, washed dishes and did a load of laundry. No time to rest this week . . . the countdown is officially on, by next Saturday this time I hope to be posting pictures of our new little baby!!


Marie said...

I cannot believe how close you are to your baby boy arriving! How exciting! I love that Savannah loves the Burlington City Park. It was my favorite when I was little, and I always wanted to go there when we were in Burlington visiting the grandparents!! I cannot wait until we are there and the park is open so we can take Brody.

Donna said...

Yea! It's the final week! I still can't believe it. Next week at this time, you'll be holding your sweet boy:)

I'm glad you all enjoyed your last weekend as a family of three. Rest a little this week if you can:)

Anna Morrison said...

Glad your mom is doing well. It was sweet of you all to make a trip to see her before baby boy comes. Speaking of . . . WOW! It is baby time!!!! My goodness, another woman's pregnancy goes so much quicker than your own. I am glad you have done so well and I can't wait to see those sweet photos of you and your new little one. I still remember the ones of you and Savannah in the hospital.

I am thinking of you and praying for a quick labor and safe delivery.

Cheering you on . . .