Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Busy Week

This week has been insane! Just today for the first time I'm starting to get a few things checked off of the list . . . still not caught up, but heading in the right direction. We've had two play dates with Savannah's friends coming over this week, I had a doctor's appointment (glucose test normal, praise God), hosted Bible study here Wednesday night, ventured to the library for Savannah's music and movement class this morning, I shopped and then volunteered at the Divine Consign Sale during Savannah's WEE school time, closed on our refinance (finally), and have run a ton of errands. Whew!

This brings me to my next issue, Walgreens. They drive me crazy! Just curious to see if anyone else has had issues this week. They advertised this great special where you buy $25 of Huggies products and get at $10 register rewards printed back. Apparently, even the managers weren't sure how the sale was working because when I shopped on Thursday the guy told me you had to buy $25 of the same Huggies item to get it to work, but if I bought 3 containers of wipes they would give me a $6 register rewards coupon. Long story short, I ended up with 4 packs of diapers and 3 containers of wipes for only $1!!! Thanks, Donna for the diaper coupon!

I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing Saturday now. Dave is taking Savannah to her My Gym make-up class tomorrow so I should have some nice free (and quiet) time. We have a birthday party in the afternoon and have already planned to have dinner out! Yippee! Now if it would just warm up and stop raining.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Wow! You have been busy! I'm glad you are getting things checked off the list.

Yes, the Walgreens in Matthews did not have it together. They did not understand the deal that was advertised, but I ended up with a good deal, too:)

Hopefully it will turn warmer this week!!