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Monday, February 23, 2009

The "Sleep" Study

Here are a few pictures. I'm off to shower and then nap, but will update with details later!

Before the final face sensors were placed.

All hooked up and sound asleep. AMAZING!

Ready to go home this morning! Thanks Miss Margaret!

Okay, so I never got my nap, but I do feel a little more caught up around here now. I wanted to take just a minute and brag on my little girl and how awesome she did last night. We arrived promptly at 7pm and soon met Miss Margaret. I had prayed hard that God would provide the perfect person to be our technician as I knew it would be one-on-one and that they would be monitoring our every move. Thankfully, God sent Margaret, who was too incredible to even explain. She greeted Savannah so warmly and told her as we were going up to the room that they were going to have so much fun at their sleepover playing dress up and doing hair. Well, dress up and hair they did do! By the end of the process, Savannah had 25 sensors (15 on her head alone) glued to her little body with all kinds of colored wires. The worst part for her was the nose piece that was there to monitor the oxygen she was breathing through her nose. She hated that thing, but managed to keep it in most of the night.

She was so worn out that about 15 minutes after the last piece was in place, Savannah was fast asleep. She slept about 4 hours before waking up and trying to jerk the oxygen monitor out of her nose. Ouch. It was taped to her little face! Anyway, the great thing about being monitored so closely was that once Savannah sat up and started to pull at the thing, Margaret was in our room before I could even reach over to take care of Savannah. She calmly put it back in place and told Savannah that she had to wear it until morning. Back to sleep she went for a little bit.

The hardest part of the night for me was the 3 hour period from 1-4 when Savannah refused to go back to sleep. I tried everything, but she just wasn't relaxing enough to fall asleep. Finally around 4:15 she drifted off and slept until 6:15 when Margaret woke us up to get ready to go home.

Praise the Lord that it's all over. I'm not sure my pregnant belly could take another night without sleep, in a recliner again anytime soon! Miss Margaret said that she noted a couple of events, but nothing serious. Hopefully this means that we won't need to have Savannah's tonsils removed, but we won't know anything for sure until the doctor gets his report to us by the end of the week. I'm praying for some clear answers and for assurance that Savannah is perfectly healthy!


Anonymous said...

we're so glad that is all over and it sounds like everything will be ok. i know it was uncomfortable for you both but it sounds like it will be worth it for the peace of mind to make sure our princess is ok.
we'll be waiting to hear from the results and praying she gets to keep her tonsils. you both did good and hopefully this will ease your fears. dad/deb

Nancy said...

Wow. What a night. Glad it is over and I'll be praying the results are just fine.

What a cutie in that bed!

Anonymous said...

I feel so blessed to have you Chrystal. You knew what to do from the beginning. You turned it over to the Lord and let it go. There is no other way but through him. I never worried about it. Worring only causes more worring and that lets the devil in.
Give my little one a BIG HUG and KISS for me. You did GREAT!
Love you bunches,