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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Allergist and A Museum

We started the morning bright and early, dragging Savannah out of bed, and being ready to leave the house by 7:30. Dave was able to go into work a little later this morning and was a big help in getting Savannah ready . . . on his way downstairs he realized that he may have things a little backwards with her dress that I had set out for him. Check out this half asleep baby with her dress on all backwards!

We made it out of the house in plenty of time and only missed a couple of turns as we braved uptown traffic. The appointment went really well and the allergist was great. We learned a lot and ended up finding out that she's not allergic to anything! Because we really have her "allergies" under control with Benadryl, the doctor recommended that we stick to that plan instead of going to test B, which involved needles and lots of pain. So, instead here is a picture of the test that she had. It was only contact skin testing, which is still more effective than the blood test, according to our doctor. However, with opting out of the second skin test where they inject allergens under your skin with needles, there is still a 20% chance that we missed something she's allergic to. For now, I'm satisfied. We survived 15 minutes of keeping her from scratching her back and that was plenty for one day.

Then we headed the Mint Museum of Craft and Design where they were having a special kids program today. What a fun way to spend our morning, especially since we were already uptown. Savannah made a neat craft and then we toured the museum. We left after getting yelled at for using flash photography and for letting her sit on one of the displays, but it was a fun outing!


Donna said...

I'm SOOO sorry I just took off after I left the craft room. Roy was calling from Cambodia and it was so noisy in that museum, I couldn't concentrate. Plus, I had a fussy baby and a hyper 3 year old! So, we just headed to the car:( It was a fun day and it was nice to try a different activity for once. Thanks for planning it!
I'm so glad Savannah isn't allergic to anything, too. I know it is a relief for you and Dave.

laurie said...

What a blessing about the lack of allergies!!!! Looks like you great had a great rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

we're so glad to hear the good news from the allergist! it may be something she will outgrow-let's pray for that outcome. you have to love dave for helping with savannah-such a cute picture and she didn't mind if her dress was on backwards. glad your day turned out good i know you were anxious about it. see ya soon xoxo dad/deb