Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Family time at Christmas

I cannot believe that Christmas has already come and gone. Words cannot express how thankful I am for our precious family that we were able to celebrate the season with. Last year I was determined to be in my own house for Christmas morning and it just wasn't the same without having family all around. So, despite Savannah's continued sickness, we made the trip to Burlington on Monday. What treasured memories we will always have from just seeing the kids go crazy when Santa arrived and then again later when they opened their gifts.

We spent Christmas Eve with my Grandmaw, Dad and Deborah, Uncle Mark and Carol, Denny, Kristin and their kids. Santa and Mrs. Clause even made an appearance to which the kids had quite the reaction. Savannah was up really late and I could tell she was feeling worse and worse as time went on. We finally made it back to mom's house by 7:30 and attempted to put her to bed. She ended up being held ALL NIGHT by mom and I taking turns. This was the only way we could keep her from coughing and crying. Christmas morning we went to my brother's house to do our annual big breakfast. After opening even more gifts, we realized that Savannah's antibiotic was still in the refrigerator at mom's house. So, we went back to mom's and then hit the road to head back to Charlotte so we could open Santa presents, stockings, and our own gifts to each other. We were blessed with a Christmas miracle in having a sleeping child the entire trip back to Charlotte! It's a first and we were thankful for the peace and quiet.

After opening a few gifts here at home, and getting the very exhausted baby in bed, Dave decided that he wanted to tackle putting together Savannah's new kitchen. We had heard horror stories about the amount of time and patience it would take, but we had that thing together in 2 hours flat, decals and all. We put it in the guest room and plan to surprise her tonight after Dave gets home. So, I'll post more pictures tomorrow of her playing in her new kitchen.

Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends. We love and treasure each of you!!


Donna said...

I can't believe Christmas is over, too! I'm glad you had a good one celebrating with all of your family!

Anna Morrison said...

Thank you for the Christmas card. I love Savannah's face on the front of it.
I have enjoyed hearing and seeing bits and pieces of your Christmas.
I am pooped, as we have just finished up with our celebrations just today.
Love to you.