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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Race for the Cure

This morning bright and early we all piled in the car and headed uptown for the annual Susan Komen 5K Race for the Cure. God is so good. I was worried all night that it would be difficult to get Savannah up early and fed before we had to leave, but He knew just what our schedule was and she was up at 5:30am. We met our friend Laura and then headed uptown. Although both Dave and I were a little disappointed with our times, I think we still did fairly well especially considering I had to push a 32 pound child in a 15 pound stroller the entire race! I finished right at 31 minutes . . . so I still have some training to do. We've already decided that next year we're running together WITHOUT the child. By the way, yes, my face was really that red!! :)

Here's a funny picture of Savannah wearing Dave's foot braces when we got home. She's big into trying on our shoes and seeing how far she can walk in them. I'm not sure how she figured out how to put them on her feet, but she did it all by herself. Very cute.


Anonymous said...

a big CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! i bet savannah thought she was on a carnival ride :) i think you did great running and pushing savannah. and what a great cause!
cute pictures! hope the rest of your day was uneventful :)

Donna said...

I thought about y'all when I woke up on Sat. morning. I'm glad you did it! That is a real accomplishment...especially pushing a baby while running!