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Sunday, July 15, 2007

An Unwelcome Transition

We are still trying to transition Savannah into drinking milk from her sippy cup . . . it's not going so well. It totally baffles me at how she'll take water no problem from the cup, but once you put milk in there she immediately throws it onto the floor (temper, temper). Anyway, I finally decided that she was going to have to make a hard decision today and I stuck to it. For her middle of the day milk, I gave her a bottle filled with water and a sippy cup filled with milk. The choice was completely hers ~ water from a bottle or milk from the sippy cup. The way I figure she's still getting plenty of milk in the morning and at night through the bottle, so missing milk once a day isn't going to hurt her nutritionally. We have to start somewhere. So, you can probably guess what happened, she decided not to drink either. FINE. Here's a picture where she's trying to decide what to do. I've also include a funny picture of her newest trick, sticking her tongue way out of her mouth. She must have picked that up from Dave! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE! not so cute at 5 yrs old though huh? amazing what age does :) deb