Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Night Out!!

Outside at the reception
My hair isn't actually that crazy, it was REALLY windy.
Just the girls!

This past weekend we attended the wedding of two of our close friends, Dave and Heather, now the Karhans!! We've waited for this day for a long time and truly had a BLAST at their reception . . . only it was quite a distance from our house (1 1/2 hours). As many of you know our precious daughter does not go to sleep for anyone other than me so it was quite a test of our faith to leave her for such a long period of time. However, there were many people praying that everything would be okay while we were away and of course it was.

My mom was practically jumping for joy at the thought of some one on one time with her granddaughter and she did a great job with her. We called at around 7:30 to make sure everything was going well, and when mom said she was asleep I knew one of two things: either she had duct taped her mouth or she was actually, miraculously asleep. Once I trusted that she was okay, Dave and I relaxed and had our first date night in over 10 months. What a great night with each other and our cherished friends.

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