Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Beginning of blogging . . .

I started this blog to help keep our dear friends and family up to date on what's happening here in Charlotte. I hope you enjoy reading it and keeping track of Savannah!!

This has already been a busy season for us as we've been travelling A LOT. We've been to several different birthday parties and just recently ventured out for our first vacation to Charleston with child in tow. That was an experience! I've posted a few pictures from our recent trip to Charleston, SC where Dave ran in the Cooper River Bridge race. Here is a picture of Savannah cheering for "dada".

Here is a picutre of me with Savannah after the race.


Anna Morrison said...

Hooray! A new blog to check daily!! Welcome to the world of posting blogs~ such fun. Savannah is growing so much! Glad you were able to enjoy Charleston. We vacation there every summer~ great place~ so charming. Love you.

m. said...

Can't wait to read more about all that y'all have been up to! I certainly understand how hard it can be to keep everyone updated with a little one in the house, LOL!

Sargent4CU said...

HI Bachmann Family! Its so great to hear from you all and see pictures of a very big Savannah! I can't believe she'll be a year in just a few short months! If you guys are ever in Atlanta- please give us a call! We'd love to catch up!