Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Tar Heels!!!!


We had such a fun Saturday in Chapel Hill today!!  Preston had to volunteer at the YMCA as a soccer referee/coach this morning, but shortly after picking him up, we headed to UNC for a fun-filled day with our Savannah.  We met on Franklin Street for lunch at this adorable soda shop called Suttons, did some shopping, and then headed to her dorm to deliver some items and hang her bulletin board.  Then it was off to the football game.  It's been a VERY long time since I've been to a college football game, but it was so fun watching the band and seeing all the excitement around campus.  The first three quarters were pretty boring so we decided to head back to the car and try to avoid the traffic getting out of town.  Of course, after we left they went on a scoring spree and ended up crushing NCCU.  

It was a super long day with us arriving back in Charlotte at midnight, but it was oh so much fun to see Savannah in her element. :) Despite the roommate situation, she is making the best of it and doing quite well.  So, so proud of her for pushing through and continuing to try new things.  She found out this week she was selected to be on her community government board so that's another outlet for her to make an impact and meet new people.  Plus she is coming home Thursday for the consignment sale . . so only a few days until we see her again.  Yippee!!

Friday, September 13, 2024

She Looks So Much Older . . ,


Savannah sent this picture to me yesterday from a women's soccer game . . .yes, that's right . . . my girl willingly chose to go to a soccer game on campus!  I'm so proud of her for trying new things and continuing to stick her neck out and be a bit uncomfortable.  Her suitemate, who is also Savannah, took this picture at the game.  Why is it she looks SO much older all of a sudden?!?  It's only been like 4.5 weeks but she looks years older to me. :(  My friend Lisa said it was a combination of the look of freedom and confidence.  I hope so!  Go get 'em Savannah!!!

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Happy Happy 51st Dave!!

Today we celebrated this amazing man who turned 51!!!  Honestly, it was sort of a normal Sunday with church, the gym, and football.  Dave didn't really want to do anything special (it's still hard to do fun things without Savannah) so we had the regular pizza for dinner, but we did surprise him with a yummy polar pizza for dessert.  It was a low key day to remember how thankful we are for Dave.  He gives SO much every day not just at work and helping with chores, but also making sure everyone has their unique protein shake . . and is always policing the gummy vitamins. HA!

So today we celebrated another year with daddy-o and thanked the Lord for the blessing Dave is in each of our lives.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Here We Go Again . . . Floor Repairs


After months of negotiation and lots of back and forth, the contractor has agreed to pay for the floor repairs caused by his workers installing the dishwasher improperly and leaking for months on my hardwoods!  I'm not looking forward to this process, but will be thankful when it is all done!

Thankfully the sub floor is not moldy and no further action will be needed.  This is the current state of our floor, which will be reinstalled on Monday.  Next week we will have to be out of the kitchen, but hopefully only for one week!  I'm already missing the dishwasher . . . ugh!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

A Long Weekend with Savannah :)

Savannah rode the train home from school Friday to kick off a long holiday weekend with an added day off for "mental health" at UNC.  It was quite the adventure getting home after getting caught in a massive rainstorm walking from the UNC bus to the train station and then another heavy rain back here in Charlotte.  The train was delayed multiple times, but she finally arrived home around 8pm!

We were all so excited for her to be back!!!  We spent the weekend doing LOTS of fun shopping, going to Matthews Alive (it was miserably hot), bowling, watching a family movie and did I mention shopping?!? 

Of course we had to get the annual funnel cake at Matthews Alive . . and by this point we were all so hot and sweaty no one cared about being covered in powdered sugar, especially Preston. We went to church on Sunday (which was strange with Savannah only attending for one hour), had our weekly pizza night together, and enjoyed dinner at Red Robin to celebrate Dave's birthday a little early too.

It was quite the adventure getting her back uptown to the return train (Shipt!) but thankfully we barely made the last boarding call before they locked the doors from the terminal.  Whew!  Several other UNC students weren't so lucky and were locked out, causing them to miss the train!!!  

It was such a fun weekend, but also SO very sad to see her off to school.  This time may have been even harder since I wasn't leaving her in the dorm, but rather off on an unknown adventure back to school on Amtrak.  Of course, she did just fine and made it safely back.  We are already counting down the days until we head to Chapel Hill for a football game next week.

 Until then, shine bright Savannah!  We know you are exactly where you are supposed to be!