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Saturday, June 08, 2019

Savannah's 13th Birthday Party ~ backup plan

We had a fun-filled afternoon pool party at the YMCA planned for Savannah, but when we woke up the weather forecast was 100% storms and rain for the entire afternoon.  We debated back and forth but ended up making the call to move the party to our house.  We were still able to have Domino's pizza for lunch and her Baskin Robbins ice cream cookie cake, but we had to come up with some fun at home instead of the pool being the entertainment.

I was quite nervous about how to keep these 9 girls busy, but they did a great job of self-entertaining and seemed to have a blast!  They played the Wii, enjoyed some games inside, and did a lot of hanging out on the screened in porch as well.  As you can see from the pictures the weather was beautiful the entire time . . which made Savannah sort of sad that we moved the party, but the girls still had a good time.

We crammed 9 teenagers around our table for 4!

Happy Happy Birthday Savannah!!

It was such a fun afternoon celebrating our Savannah a few days early.  As much as I didn't want to have a party at our house, it was nice being able to see the girls interact and get to know each one a little better.  Only a few days until she's officially a TEENAGER!!!!

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