Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, June 06, 2019

PSE Parties Galore

So somehow I ended up organizing the end of the year 3rd-grade party for everyone . . . I guess it was my determination for the kids to have something more than a popsicle that got me into finding an ice-cream truck to come for the party.  Anyway, although it was stressful, it ended up being a super fun morning for my little guy and his third-grade friends.

The kids could pick any treat they wanted from the truck so they LOVED it!  Plus there were tons of other fun activities on the blacktop to keep them busy too.

Preston's friends and Mrs. Armbruster, the principal!
After the party wrapped up, I was scheduled to work in the office until 1:30 as a volunteer.  So I headed to my next job and whenever I had a chance (not too often as the office was CRAZY on the day before the last day of school) I worked on wrapping and delivering the 30 bundt cakes for teacher gifts. Then at precisely 11:15am, I headed to the cafeteria for Preston's birthday celebration.  I'm not sure what I was thinking cramming everything into one day . . . and giving the kids even more sugar on the day before the last day of school?!? BUT, he was so excited to celebrate his birthday with his friends at school. So we passed out cookie cake, enjoyed our 20 minutes of lunch and then it was back to the office to finish out the day.

It's hard to believe that tomorrow will be the end of third and seventh grade for my kiddos... and that summer will officially be here, but I think we are ready for a break from the busy, busy routine.

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