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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Celebration of Children . . .

Appropriately following the celebration of nations, we also celebrated with both Savannah and Preston today!  We picked a day months ago to celebrate their summer birthdays with each of their classes and today was finally the day!

 First was Savannah's lunch, where we enjoyed a nice time with her friend Rose.

My last lunch photo with Savannah before she's off to middle school :(
 Next was Preston's lunch, which was a bit more wild!  It was so crazy that we almost forgot to take a picture of the cake (Preston already had his carefully selected piece) with daddy!

I LOVE not only his expression here, but the fact that so many of his sweet friends were begging to be in the picture.

So although they will each celebrate birthdays after school is out, the parties have already started . . .  

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