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Friday, June 09, 2017

5th Grade Graduation

Well, it's finally here. . .the day my oldest leaves our beloved Providence Spring Elementary and heads into the world of middle school.  Although it was a most bitter-sweet moment for me, it was a fun day to celebrate her hard work throughout the six years she's been at PSE.

She received multiple awards, including  A Honor Roll, Presidential Scholar, Outstanding Media Award, Accelerated Reading Award, Math Olympiad award for being in the top 10% WORLD wide, perfect attendance, and a special recognition for perfect attendance for all 6 years.  You should have heard the mummer from parents when this was announced as she was the ONLY one to receive the award.

Here's the thing, we know she is smart. She knows she is smart.  What I love about Savannah is that she doesn't have that snooty mentality.  She is always willing to help a friend who is struggling . . and that is what speaks most loudly to me, her character.

From her talent development teacher . . . "We are so proud of Savannah's incredible academic record. I know she is ready for middle school, but from the PSE perspective she will be greatly missed for her wonderful character, delightful personality, and her passion for learning, as well as her high academics."

 Aunt Cherry surprised her by coming to graduation!

Savannah with her favorite friend, Rose

I can't say enough wonderful things about her teacher this year, Mr. Grabon.  I have to admit I was a bit nervous at first, but he was a PERFECT fit for Savannah.  She not only learned a lot, scored perfect on her math and reading EOGs, as well as a perfect score on the sixth grade math EOG, but her confidence has blossomed. She is still very quiet and reserved, but this year helped her learn that it's okay to voice her opinion and that she can be confident in who God created her to be.

We are super proud of all she has accomplished and can't wait to see what middle school brings!  Ready or not, here we come . . but we know she's ready!  We are super proud of her!!

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