Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, November 20, 2015

*UN*Urgent Care for Savannah

Waiting to see the doctor, still smiling even though she was expecting stitches!

As I become older and more "experienced" as a mom I'm learning to expect the unexpected (to borrow a line from Big Brother).  The most perfectly planned out and scheduled days can end up being the hardest, craziest, most challenging ones to survive.  Today was certainly one of those days!  I had two scheduled doctor appointments for me this morning and thought I would have the entire afternoon to get caught up and enter all of my mystery shop reports before the big, yellow bus arrived.  NOT!  After getting home from the grocery store, unpacking the groceries, and sitting down to work on a friend's meal sign up my cell phone rang.  It was the nurse at the kid's school.  Uh oh!  My first panic was that she was calling to tell me Savannah had lice.  Yesterday was the first day we got the letter home saying that some kid in her class had the critters so of course that's what my biggest fear was.  However, after finally getting some reception on my phone, she said that Savannah had a bad cut that needed "immediate attention".  Of course the pediatrician's office was completely booked since only a few doctors in the practice do sutures, so we ended up heading to urgent care. There were only two people waiting in front of us, so I figured we'd be out of there in an hour tops.  HA!

As we waited . . and waited . . . I got the whole story.  Apparently she was trying to grab paper out of a group members hand and when he pulled back, the scissors in his hand chopped the tip of her left thumb.  Ouch!  Of all days to have a substitute teacher too. :)  She said that there was blood everywhere!  Anyway, long story short after it was all cleaned out the doctor determined that she could glue it and put steri strips to close it just fine.  Whew!  But it was 2.5 hours later before we finally left that place!  

Even in the midst of chaos and an afternoon spent at urgent care, it was Savannah that started counting our blessings . . . it's her left hand, not her right one . . . the doctor had an ipad for the kids to play while they waited . . . she didn't have lice, but rather a finger that could easily heal . . . she didn't have to miss a day of school since it was at the end of the day . . and the list goes on.  For me, it's a day to be thankful I was just around the corner and could be there quickly to take her to get all fixed.  

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